By Prof. Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd

Worshipping the word is a movement that needs to strike  its roots in Indian culture. Historically India is a country, wherein the Adivasis and Dalitbahujans, who constitute more than 85 per cent of the population lost out their own worshipping the word culture. They have not been allowed to use a written word as a tool to communicate between one another and also with far off people of Dravidian races, Tribals and the Dalitbahujans. This was done by evolving a caste structure and racial discrimination that got imposed on this nation by the migrant Aryans.

The Aryans, who slowly evolved themselves into Brahmins, Ksatriyas and Viasyas ( who in the modern period described themselves as Arya Vaisyas) have controlled the written word, as it is known as God among the native Indian people. Even today the Dalitbahujan masses respect the written word as the true message of God. The Aryan Brahmins misused this belief of the Indian masses for millennia.

The Dravidian symbolic word was known as the Indus script.  It was  a corpus of symbols produced by the Indus Valley Civilization during the Kot Diji and Mature Harappan periods between 3500 and 1900 BCE. This form of word and the evolving culture of worshipping the Dravidian WORD was attacked by the Aryan Brahmins. And over a period of time they worked out their own word ‘OOM’ as a word of their own worship. But quite cruelly they did not allow the Dravidian and the native tribal masses to worship that WORD and did not allow them to remain as the worshippers of their own native word.

The native people had to suffer the double denial. Slowly this very selfish and anti-human (anti Dalitbahujan) culture lead the Brahminic Aryans into idol worship on a perpetual basis. Their own misdeed encircled them as their ever haunting SIN.

Though the Aryan Brahmins wrote all types of books later they could not get out of idol worship, as a key civilizational practice. They in a way suffered from the curse of denying others the word of their own and not allowing them to worship the word that the Aryans constructed.

Subsequently the native Dalitbahujans developed their own pan Indian Pali word, which later became the Buddhist scripture. But the Pali word also was killed within the Indian main land.

Till the English universal WORD reached India in 1817 with a generous preaching of William Carey the Indian Adivasi and Dalitbahujan mass were confined to local religion and languages without allowing them into the Brahminic Sanskrit. Hence they suffered from localism and superstition.

However, the Adivasi and Dalitbahujan liberation from the grip of their dis-connectivity and the Brahminic fear started evaporating with NEW WORD reaching India.     .

The worship of the word movement that some of us started in India is to see that the vast masses of India get out of the slavery of Aryan Brahminism, and instill a massive book reading and book writing culture among them.

The mass surrender to caste inequalities, human untouchability and women’s degradation is because of lack of  worshipping the WORD culture among them.

In our view the WORD IS GOD. The children of India must be taught to only worship the WORD and imbibe a culture of reading, writing about every work their parents do as dignified and god given.

The Indian Brahminical forces are out of the culture of WORK IS WORSHIP. For them production is pollution. But for the working masses food comes out of mud and hence they work in all spheres of production.

This movement propagates the culture of Worshipping the WORD. Physical labour and treating every human being as equal partner in worshipping are God given cultural values. This movement cherishes those values.

It also propagates READ, WRITE AND FIGHT as a core ideological principle. This movement opposes all forms of violence, at home, between groups and groups and also in public life. It also opposes war between nations and nation